CMV: The problem with feminism isn't that most feminists bash men, the problem with feminism is that most feminists are far more tolerant of man bashing than woman bashing
I used to think feminists in general bash men. I don't think that's the case now.
But one thing I have noticed is that feminists do not respond to misandry the way they respond to misogyny. And I believe this is a problem for a movement that's striving for equality. I don't mean "men are evil creatures should be forced into camps and deprived of porn and exercise so they have to kill each other to get satisfaction" vs. "Women are evil creatures and it's up to men to punish them." There's a big difference there- one belief was acted on the other has only ever been a disgusting fantasy.
I'm talking about other things. A woman talking about beating up her partner vs a man talking about beating up his partner. Women and men are both victims of domestic violence, and the gap based on what I've seen is not large. But a joke where the man is a victim might get a "yeah that's not really funny" while a joke where the woman is a victim might get a "disgusting misogynist." Both reactions are disapproving, but one is a lot more intense than the other. It seems feminists almost view misandry as understandable but misplaced anger and misogyny as a horrible entity that needs to be eradicated.
But I'm open to changing my view and I look forward to hearing others thoughts