CMV: A pause on immigration should be wanted by the majority of the population and should be seen as an opportunity to create an actual Living Wage.
Simply put, if corporations, factories, or farmers are unable to find cheap labor by using immigrants, then they would be forced to increase the wages and salaries workers. Yes, this might cause prices of items and products to increase, however, if people did not buy these products or items, then the price would have to decrease and the cost of paying higher salaries would be taken from the companies profits and not be paid for by the consumer.
Also I just read this post about 'Mass deportations would disrupt the food chain' and I’m confused as to how. I mean, I understand how this could potentially disrupt the food chain or food distribution, however, these are billion or million dollar industries. Surely they wouldn’t want to lose money by slowing down production, and surely there’s high school graduates, 20 something’s, and 30 something that need money and direction in their lives that would accept these jobs and flourish. I mean, working on a farm beats joining the army, or getting a dead end job at the local piggily wiggling. Australia has Fly in Fly out jobs where many people will work 2 weeks on 1 week off, in a mining town or on a ship and it’s enough money to save and move on in a year…. Or, they simply settle down in that town. How much are these farm workers getting paid, can affordable housing be provided, and can other citizens be given the opportunity to pick cherries and oranges for and livable wage? Why would immigration disrupt a whole industry… that doesn’t make sense. Fly people out and advertise appealing opportunities throughout the country…
My point is, I’m not sure how much immigrants are getting paid, if it under the table or if it’s legitimately on the books, but in California an employer must pay a Minimum Wage and maintain healthy working conditions…. If the cheap labor market dries up, then wages and benefits would have to increase because Walmart, Kroger, and Nestle still want to make their money and if they start charging $10 for a loaf of bread or cereal and no one buys it… then their billion dollar profit margins would be affected, not the consumer,; and the middle class can actually fight, protest, and demand a living wage by having more skin in the game or more leverage.
Am I wrong?
I mean the flip side would be for corporations to make a quicker move towards robotics and ai automation…. But still, immigration would slow that change, and taxes being paid for by legal workers would be the main benefit.
What am I missing?