CMV: The rates of school bullying would go down significantly if people physically fought back, for the most part.

I say most because there are situations where the guy getting bullied is unable to defend himself (physically disable, mental disability, etc). In this case, the school should definitely step in and improve. However, if someone is mentally and physically able, then they should fight back. At the end of the day, the teachers can only do so much to stop bullying.

When people talk about victims, a lot of the times it is nerds, minorities, and people who are generally different from the general crowd (think people of the LGTB community). Now imagine what would happen if bullies knew that their chances of getting punched in the face are high for making fun of those people. They will think twice before attempting to do so. It may still happen, but at a much lesser rate.

Some may ask, "what if the guy is much smaller and weaker?". Train martial arts, lift weights, throw a rock, do whatever you can to fight back. Life isn't fair and never was. That guy hoping that one day it will stop is just living in a fantasy world and he knows it deep down. Even if he loses the fight, at least he tried and his chances of being a target in the future will go down. No one wants to get punched in the face even if it means they can easily beat the guy up who did it. At the end of the day, there is going to be a time where that same guy will stand on his own two feet with no teachers or parents backing him up. Even if the odds aren't in the guy's favor, he should still stand up for himself.

EDIT: I am looking for logical arguments and meaningful conversations. I will not respond to any comments attempting to guilt trip.

Did not expect this post to get this much traction. Half of the comments seem to be people who witnessed kids getting bullied saying this approach wouldn't work, and the other half claiming this is approach is what worked as they got bullied themselves.

Then there's others saying school authorities should step in. This would be an ideal solution, and if that were the case currently I wouldn't have made this post. Most authorities simply don't care, so currently it seems like it's better for people to fight back.

Due to the fact that I grew up in a lower income area, any kid attempting to verbally outsmart their bullies through humor would just further perpetuate it and worst of all, make them appear as a clown. In that case, the only way to not appear as a target was to fight.

Anxiety, especially as a man, is no excuse to be a coward. For every kid that is anxious about fighting, there will be another kid who feels the same but decides to man up and fight back. Now that kid is at an advantage. This doesn't just have to do with that bullying incident in school, but for future situations as well, even as an adult. You'll walk around with a different level of confidence knowing that you defended yourself all those years instead of just backing down. Even if you get suspended, the end result will be better. Think of GSP and McGregor. Their main reason fro getting into MMA was because of bullies.