I'm anxious that my girlfriend has been waffling a bit lately on being childfree. Can I talk?
Eh, I feel like you guys hear this a lot. Maybe more often the other way around, gender-wise? But I'm worried that if I continue plans with my girlfriend and get married, there will be regret and even resentment from her in the future. It's kind of freaking me out.
For background, I'm 34M. I'm a full time tech in a hospital, and I also attend nursing school full time. It took me ages to find a path, but now that I'm about it, I'm ABOUT IT. Very busy, all the time. I should be all done with school in about a year, and then its the sky's the limit for a big career in healthcare. I should have time to pursue further education and go in any direction I want. My girlfriend is 28. She's got t1d (which you will see is relevant), and works in business and does stand-up comedy in her free time. She is a lovely human being. We've been dating for about 4 years now, and our current plan is to transplant out to CA once I finish school and probably get married. We're both very excited about our big plans!
We've definitely had the talk about kids. I was overjoyed to find out we were on the same page. About 6 months ago I realized, that due to a huge cavalcade of personal reasons, I just... don't want kids. A switch flipped in me, and I suddenly felt so extremely relieved. Having children was never something I was prioritizing, but I didn't realize it was weighing on me in the back of my mind. I think I realized it because I can't foresee myself taking care of sick and dying people for 12 hours at work, and then coming home and doing it again for my children. I realized I want the fruit of my labor to go towards me, my hobbies, and the people I have in my life by my choice. I have big plans to see the world and eat a massive amount of delicious food and learn languages and play video games and hang out in the gym and just enjoy my life with my friends and dogs.
I told my girlfriend all this, knowing full well it could be a deal breaker, but alas: I lucked out, and she said she felt similarly relieved. With her disease (and the associated risks of infection and complication), it had been weighing on her for a long time, as well. Within the week, I had spoken in person with the urologist at the hospital where I work, and was scheduled for a vasectomy. Last month my test came back negative for any swimmers... and the rest is history.
So... what's the issue? Lately, it just seems like all our friends have been having kids. Family friends have been throwing their children birthday parties. A cousin of mine had a daughter a few months ago, and are already trying for another. I feel like... and maybe this is just my imagination... my girlfriend has seemed listless. I feel her eyes on me whenever I hold one of their babies or play video games with her friend's sons. I feel like she is lonely and maybe bored and... maybe she wishes she hadn't agreed? I wish I could remind her that... right now, with me completely consumed with school and work, and her in a not-so-great job, the little splashes we see of other people's lives... on social media, at a birthday party, and so on... they don't reflect the sacrifices that we would need to make to have children. It wouldn't be all smiles and fun, and largely it would be about laying down discipline, wondering about how to pay bills, and constantly living paycheck to paycheck. The same as it was for my parents. Never mind the immense toll it would take on her body, and the luck it would take for a successful vasectomy reversal. Never mind giving up on all our future adventures around the world and making new friends and raising a bunch of dogs. Never mind just having a chance at making it out of lower middle class.
What if I've poisoned her against something she would have loved? All because I love her and want her in my future as I imagine it? Does that make sense?
I'm sorry if this is too heavy or too much for this forum. I just wanted to try to express it to some likeminded folks who might get where I'm coming from.