I can’t have a bachelorette party because all my friends are pregnant or have newborns
I’m getting married in July. I got engaged in January 2020, so the wedding has been on hold for a long time because of covid. Now it’s finally happening, but none of my female friends are there for me, because I’m the last to get married and they’re all either 7+ months pregnant, just had a baby, or moved out of our expensive region so they could afford to start having kids.
My fiancé is doing a big bachelor party with all his guy friends next month, with a rented house, poker nights, a trip to a brewery, etc. Meanwhile, my bachelorette party is…nothing, with no one. It sucks. No one has even asked if they can do anything to celebrate with me because they’re all too caught up with their babies.
It’s always been hard for me to build close relationships with other women, because I grew up with a really abusive and critical mom. This all makes me feel even more like I don’t fit in and that I just can’t make lasting friendships. I have one female friend who is also CF, but she lives on the opposite side of the country and is immunocompromised so she’s basically not leaving the house these days.
My fiancé feels badly for me, and I don’t want to be a spoilsport — I want him to have fun and enjoy his party. Everyone is still coming to the wedding and I know I should focus on that. But it is just a really lonely time right now and it’s not something an awesome partner can fully make up for.