Can a Rogue still dominate open world PvP without raiding at level 60?

Hey everyone! With the new WoW Classic PvP server launching soon, I’m planning to roll a Rogue, focusing entirely on open-world PvP, because this is what I like the most. My goal is simple: track, ambush, and take down isolated targets, without relying on raids or dungeon grinding.

I won't have the time to play a lot: I can't raid and I'm pretty sure that finding a dungeon will be too long as a rogue dps to get a solid pre-raid gear. Do you think a Rogue geared through non-dungeon means (Devilsaur set, crafting) can still have fun in open-world PvP at level 60? Any tips, advice, or recommendations for optimal non-raid gear setups would be greatly appreciated!