Bring back gdkp
plz let us enjoy this fresh without just having a tbc waiting room
without gdkp
u cant play alt
u must buy gold now
gdkp ban was suppose to reduce rmt and keep this game more social but it definetly not doing that , now everyone have to buy gold
u play just 1 or 2alt per week , full raid log how this is positive for social?
yes they have to fix boting and gold buyer
by gold buying i mean iranian mafia ,
i prefer 100 X more buying gold from a gdkp leader who had to prep raid find good people etc
making good raid is a lot of work so yes that's normal if they win something
even if u dont need at all to buy gold to make gdkp , yes u have people who made it but what ever just let them enjoy the game how they want (currently u can buy every stuff u want with boosting for this player it literally change nothing )
wow is like anny hobies if they want to spend them money for fun let them do it , and get them money
and if u dont want to gdkp just stay playing in guild u was always able to make that
but let us play the game how we want