Plastic-free options for more mobile babies/toddlers
Hi everyone! I've been cloth diapering since birth in a totally plastic-free system. I mostly use flats with hemp or bamboo blend boosters closed with a snappi and covered with Puppi wool covers. I also use cotton or bamboo blend prefolds when going out, and disana tie nappys at night with a disana wool cover.
I love this system, but unfortunately she is already starting to outgrow all of her flats. She is 6 months old and already much harder to change and I can imagine the snappi being really annoying when she's standing/crawling/walking. So I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for natural fiber diapers to put under my wool covers that are easier to change on a more mobile baby that flats.
I should also add that we do PT EC, so easy to get off is just as important as easy to get on.