Mr. Oracle holds Q&A at Surrey Campus

Mr. Oracle in Vancouver and the Islands holds Q&A in Surrey Campus, with the room being divided among swing voters and NDP supporters

Moderator: thank you all for coming to Surrey Campus tonight and I'd like to thank Mr. Oracle for attending tonight's Q&A session for the upcoming general election, first we will have 5 questions from myself and then we will open it up to an open floor where you can ask your own questions for up to half an hour.

Oracle: thank you all for inviting me and it's a pleasure to be here

Mod: right let's get too it, you and Marie are neck and neck according to the latest poll, but you've took the lead, but let's say hypothetically Marie pulls of a win, would you still stay in this riding and Campaign here, or would you simply change tac to where the opinion polls are leading you?

Oracle: thank you for this question, well when I took over the leadership of the NDP we were dead in the water and now we are polling third nationally and have turned around nearly 3 safe conservative seats. I am commited to Vancouver and the Island's long-term, this is now my home and I will continue to fight for my home even if it doesn't want to be fighted for.

Moderator: You've caused quite a stir by saying Marie is unfit to be an MP given her response to the Xequla Scandal, do you think it's fair to be going after someone on what many people would consider to be trivial?

Oracle: well let me ask you all this, do you want an MP that simply responds to a genuine legal question with a lol ?, I think it says a lot about a person's mindset, it would be one thing for her to have said let's wait for independent legal advice before making a judgement, but she straight up dismissed what we thought were fairly brought up questions, if she think someone can get away with that, what else does she think she can get away with?

Moderator: you've been very vocal about the SkyTrain expansion, but have you considered the thoughts and views of communities here locally who don't want a SkyTrain built through their communities?

Oracle: of course we will consider the voices of these communities in the planning stage but I think most people here in Vancouver, want this SkyTrain expansion, otherwise we wouldn't be leading in the polls here !!

Moderator: if your elected will your aim to be in Coalition straight away ?

Oracle: we will certainly entertain offers, but we won't pin ourselves down needlessly when we can have far more influence by ourselves, we only accepted a role in the National Unity government precisely because of that, Unity, our Country asked us to serve for the good of the country and we did.

Moderator: one final question from me, what do you like to do when your not Mr. Oracle the politician ?

Oracle: I love collecting rare books on history or myths and legends, I have a huge library at home it's almost a historical Fort Knox, yes I know I'm a massive nerd, but I'm proud of it !!.

Moderator: right we will know open up for floor to your question's

Mr. Oracle then spent another half an hour listening to and answering questions from residents of Vancouver and the islands