Scared to come out to parents

I (15M) am pretty sure that I am gay, and have known that for a while now. I thought that maybe I was bi because I liked girls when I was younger, but I'm not so sure anymore. My parents are divorced, but I'm terrified of how they're gonna react to me coming out. My mom pretty much knows already, I think, and has made clear that it's okay. If she says things about a partner it's most of the time girlfriend or boyfriend. But sometimes she talks about grandchildren or girlfriends or that kind of stuff, and I just can't help but think that she just wants me to be straight, and I just don't want to disappoint her. My dad is even worse. My dad and my stepmother sometimes make jokes that are borderline homophobic, and they make fun of my interests (mostly my music taste. It's very girly). My relationship with my dad already isn't the greatest, and I'm just so scared that he will get mad because he gets mad very fast. So, my plan, for now, is to come out to my mom in the next few years (maybe first to my best friend) but wait to come out to my father until I'm off to college, or at least not until I don't have to go to his house anymore. And I know that many people on this subreddit have way more homophobic parents, but I just wanted to get this out.