I kind of enjoy leading women on and breaking their hearts I don’t know what’s wrong with me
I am not gonna lie in my childhood I wasn’t popular at all I was the guy that was only reached out to when it benefited the other party. I am autistic and have other learning disabilities so I was an easy target for bullying and being taken advantage of, I was even sexually taken advantage of, I didn’t have a lot of friends and I was always lonely. I wanted to go to prom but I had no one to go with so I stayed at home crying. Years later now I’m a 21 year old man I am a guitar player, a nursing student, deploying to the navy soon, have lots of great friends etc. and I am able to talk to women and get dates it’s not that hard people act like it’s some special talent but they make it sound harder than it really is. I am incredibly picky being autistic I have certain things I like and dislike. I sometimes pretend im enjoying the date and pretend that she is special to me. Then when she starts texting me I ignore it and will probably reply 8 hours later, I will cancel plans last minute, or just ghost them all together. I kind of enjoy it, I enjoy leading them on and making them feel special, the same way I was treated. Finally this is my time to shine and treat people how I have always been treated. I like giving them the illusion that we are gonna be together forever and that I will love them and marry them and start a family with them. I look good it’s not me talking but everyone always says it I have a baby face, naturally curly earlength hair, and a lean physique the typical Gen Z boy. That plus people skills It’s easy to get into someones head and make them believe what they want to hear. If there is a girl who I am with that I don’t really dig I like getting in her head and making her feel special like I will never leave her side, I will wife her up, and be the father of her children only to ghost or disappoint her. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I enjoy it I feel like I have found myself.