The days of being able to come to a rational middle ground in a debate are over
Today, no one really cares about what's true. Everyone just wants to be "right". They would rather look smart than actually be it. Everyone walks around with a computer in their pocket with a search engine that tells them anything and everything they want to hear. Reddit is a perfect example. People can send you links all day long of websites and articles that "cite" whatever they want to be told. It really has gotten to the point where almost anyone can pull up a so called source to "prove" anything they want. In other words, everyone is right and everyone is wrong. The internet did not fulfill its promise of making the human race a smarter species. All it has done is make people less capable and more reliant. Rather than thinking, people type on a screen. If I had a Time Machine, I would go back to a time before everyone was a self proclaimed know it all for knowing how to copy and paste.