"Danny Jones" is an obvious CIA plant...right??

Found this dude's podcast by searching for "kruse" on spotify (because the only two people I semi-trust in the alternative media space (or any media space, for that matter), are Dr. Jack Kruse & Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.

His interview with Dr. Kruse was profoundly eye-opening, as it was the first time (as far as I'm aware) that Kruse went deep into the SV40 rabbit hole publicly, so I naturally followed it up with his interview with Dr. Alexis Cowan (which was equally eye-opening), and a few others where I recognized the interviewee's name.

Every cast I listened to was highly compelling, always due to the interviewee's vast knowledge and always despite "Danny Jones" 's frequent moronic interruptions. "Danny" has an insufferable surfer-bro attitude and way of speaking, and also seems entirely too stupid to have organically grown a platform of the size he has (nearly 1 mil on YouTube), without ever being mentioned much or guesting in other alternative spaces.

Over and over again during his casts he becomes confused by concepts a kindergartener could easily grasp, and asks guests to repeat facts they just went over in detail. One especially annoying thing I noticed is that "Danny" repeatedly misuses idioms (e.g. in the last cast I listened to he said "the last straw that broke the camel's back"—redundantly combining the actual two idioms of "the last straw" and "the straw that broke the camel's back"; he completely botched several others in a much worse manner, but that's just the most recent one that came to mind).

He has several casts with very obvious plants (e.g. Andrew Bustamante) which I listened to a few minutes of, and as expected, he doesn't seem to call them out or provide much pushback on the agendas they spread, which further solidifies my suspicion that "Danny" is an insider (or rather, an incredibly low-IQ human with a highly relatable persona that has been aided and funded by TPTB).

Anyway, I've never seen a post about him here, so I just wanted to check on what the overall consensus is on this retard highly skilled interviewer? And also, if he is indeed a CIA plant, why on earth is he able to bag guests like Dr. Kruse, Nick Bryant, and Ian Carroll? Are they really not able to see through this blatant bs? Or are even the very small handful of people that I've been thinking are trust-worthy actually all plants as well??

Lastly, quotations around "Danny Jones" always bc even his name seems like it's made up. Thanks.