I just realized I ate smørrebrød wrong. How embarrassed should I be?

I’m a tourist visting Copenhagen for the first time. Yesterday, I ordered something called “Københavnerplatten” for about 400+ DKK without realizing it’s a smørrebrød, until today!

The platter came with 8 toppings, from herring, shrimps, liver pâté, chicken salad, cheese, roast pork, amongst others, and of course, some bread and a glass of akvavit.

Here’s what I did to my platter:

  1. I layered some lard onto a piece of rye, and added the herring on top. I only knew to do this because the server told me to. I sip the akvavit as instructed.

  2. I ate everything in a random order, jumping between one and another, except for the cheese and grapes which I left for the last because it seemed obvious.

  3. The platter came with many pieces of small spoons and small forks. I… ate the “toppings” straight off the plates with these utensils. How bad is this? I thought they were dishes on their own… I didn’t know they were actually toppings, until now.

  4. I only ate the bread with the herring as mentioned in (1). Everything else, I ate straight off the plates as mentioned in (3). No wonder they gave me so many pieces of bread… Again, I didn’t know they were ALL smørrebrød, until now.

  5. I sip the akvavit every now and then throughout my meal even when I’m not eating the herring with the rye.

  6. I cleaned the plates. Yes, I ate pretty much everything, except for the condiments, some onions and capers, and one particular piece of cheese which I did not like. Otherwise, it was great and the servers seemed happy when they took away my near-empty plates and when I left.

  7. During my meal, I tried to eat everything respectfully and confidently. This makes it worse now that I realize I may have insulted the Danish culinary art of smørrebrød!

I think (3) and (4) are my biggest mistakes. I must have looked so uncultured! There were a bunch of Danes around but nobody said anything.

So… Reddit, please tell me. How fatal are these mistakes and how embarrassed should I be? Am I a laughingstock now to the Danes who saw me eat?