This just gets more confusing for me?
So, i’m going on 2 years now of pain and discomfort in my chest shoulders and upper back. Mostly chest. I have been using this backpod twice a day for like 7 months now. Down the spine in 5 or 6 spots. Then left and right side 5 or 6 spots for about a minute in each spot. I stretch before pod and foamroll and do sitting side thrust, neck stretch and side stretch after. I’m barely better than i was 2 years ago. My doctor recommended i try P.T. again. New doctor and new P.T. this time. Last time sucked. This new person knows the condition. I thought after 7 months of pod i would be loosened up in the back and it’s time to try to strengthen my thoracic area. I was told today my back is so tight and frozen it’s like a board. So what is this back pod doing? I’m not saying it’s a bad product but why isn’t it working for me? I’ve watched every video from steve and read the manual many times and read every post and link i can find. It’s so confusing to me, all of it. It’s like 1 step forward 2 steps back. I don’t know what to do anymore?