Costo and vitamin deficiencies

My costo has been getting really better recently from a mix of vitamins and strength exercise and I often get severe vitamin D deficiency so I've been taking vits etc for a long time which only helped a bit until I started taking others with it. And I've been borderline for various other things (NHS doctors here never seem to point these out if borderline, have to look at the results myself or get a friend who knows about this stuff to check it out). And I wondered if other folks who suffer from costo have significant deficiencies? I'd be interested to know if any of you guys have found you have a deficiency or borderline one potentially linked to your costo. And maybe it's gotten better once you addressed it?

My dad also suffers from costo so I've been bugging him to do some sort of blood test to see what he's deficient in.. Especially in case it's something genetic.