Had the worst fucking day ever
Today was my only day off from work this whole week so I decided to get sloshed last night, woke up this morning hungover as fuck and rehydrated with some white claws. Everything was fine, I had a good buzz going until about 10 AM when I get a facetime call from my dad from the vet’s office because they had to put our cat down. I had to pretend to be sober while bawling my fucking eyes out. We’ve had that cat since I was 15. If I didn’t live an hour away I would’ve wanted to see him. I loved him so much and he was too young to go.
Tried to distract myself by drinking more vodka and gambling on my phone and I lost like $500. So I was like whatever, I’ll just play some fortnite or something. I open my laptop, go to turn it on, shit is bricked. Will not turn on. Tried hard resetting it and it won’t work.
I have work at 8 AM tomorrow and I’m still drinking white claws and trying to dissociate. Just called out the other day so I can’t do it again. Ugh