How important is university prestige in the current market?

Especially in the UK? Conventionally, what uni you get your computer science degree from doesn't really matter, portfolio and experience mattered more. However, with all the layoffs lately and given the difficulty in getting a tech role - also given the possibility of using LLMs to generate tech content for one's portfolio - I was wondering if that had changed. Supposing we're talking about a really prestigious university, e.g. an elite university in the UK, compared with a university that is ranked maybe 400-500 in the world.

Would that strongly affect likelihood of getting a role and retaining a role?

How long is this likely to last into one's career, e.g. would it just affect entry-level jobs for those with 0-2 years experience, or jobs requiring a little more years of experience too e.g. 2-5 years experience?