They didn't playtest "Spider and the Fly" on Very Hard, did they?
For real...
I'm on level 42, with a V I've built as a stealth netrunner/assassin: 20 Int, 20 Cool, currently 15 Tech and 4 Str/Ref. Been rather breezing through the game; even that first clash with the Barghest soldiers (before and outside the crashed SF1) was ok.
But I couldn't for the love of all Blackwall AIs get past those waves of Barghest soldiers that rain down while Songbird's activating the Chimera. For reference, I did beat the Chimera; it was tough, took me 3 or 4 tries, but I did it. You know why? Because I managed to find a viable tactic to fight it even with my squishy, stealth-centred V.
But those Barghest waves? Absolutely no tactic worked.
Using the terrain? Useless: there's very little cover and there's too many enemies that force you out of it.
Wearing them down while running around? Just as useless; they're too spongy, and it usually took an entire clip's worth of headshots to kill a single enemy (and that's not considering the heavy gunners). And never mind the quickhacks either: even at legendary level, or with Overclock activated, they couldn't wear the Barghests down fast enough either (that's not to mention how Overclock isn't even too useful, not with the constant damage you'll be suffering because there's nowhere to hide).
Simply running around without fighting, using Optical Camo (with that Relic perk unlocked), crouching in corners while the Barghests are searching for you to kill time? No use either, because there's just too friggin' many enemies.
Again: I managed to beat the Chimera itself on Very Hard, tough as it was; but with those Barghest waves, I had to turn down the difficulty because there didn't seem to be any viable tactic to survive them - not with my build.
Has anyone with a similar build succeeded where I failed?