Feeling sad after ending Panam storyline?
Okay, this may be the weirdest post on this subreddit, but fuck it. So I just finished Panam Palmer's storyline and I feel so... empty for some fucking reason. Even though I got the best ending I think (full romance path). There will be no more new stories, new situations, trying to get her to like you, it's all over, done and forgotten. The conversation options are always the same when you do go back and talk to her. It feels like the relationship I built up just went out the window, like I lost a character. She just became a shell of herself. I get this feeling at times after movies end, kinda like "so that was it, that's the story, no more", but this is the strongest it's ever been. Let me know what you guys think, or if you also felt this way. This whole thing sounds like a neckbeard rant about a virtual girl, lol. But it's true. And I'm putting it out there.
Edit: thank you all for the awards! Just to clarify, I meant after the last quest with her, when you get the achievement for "completing her storyline".