Sword wielding juggernaut - build help

Hey Chooms! As I am soon joining a new campaign, I happen to have some questions for you all. Or maybe I should rather say: Today I am asking you for help regarding a specific build I have in mind.

For the few Project Moon fans here - I am trying my best to recreate Gebura in her peak. For those that have no idea who Gebura is - to sum things up, I am trying to make an exclusively sword-wielding gal who is both a vigilante defender of the "common people" and absolute menace to her enemies, ready to chase and obliterate everyone who happens to be in her blade's range.

I don't really want to un-cyberpunk the cyberpunk, so I am not asking about ideas forpulling fleshy, whispering swords or full plate armors out of thin air (I'll skip that part - although, as stated by my GM "Flavor is free" - so feel free to share any ideas you may have). I also don't want to hog all the spotlight and annoy my group. Instead, I am looking for a way to build a character who could take a beating for her team, as well as stand her ground in melee using only a sword.

I am fairly new Cyberpunk player and I don't have any specific ideas for now - I don't want to slap a very/heavy melee weapon on a Solo and call it a day, so I am grateful for any contribution - role, starting stats, skills to focus on, starting/subsequent gear/chrome.