Which ultimate talent would you receive if you were in danganronpa?

It should fit to your actual personality and should be accurate and realistic. I'd like to be the ultimate detective but in reality, I'd probably be the ultimate troll or the ultimate thinker (intp lore, laziness would fit too but I'd go with trolling, since I troll too much tho). I think that an ultimate troll would be really great since those characters spice up the game a lot, like kokichi as the ultimate leader did. He could be the ultimate liar too. (fits even better in my opinion since the group he was leading didn't play a big role, they just included it for the plot which wasn't that good tbh)

It should fit to your actual personality and should be accurate and realistic. I'd like to be the ultimate detective but in reality, I'd probably be the ultimate troll or the ultimate thinker (intp lore, laziness would fit too but I'd go with trolling, since I troll too much tho). I think that an ultimate troll would be really great since those characters spice up the game a lot, like kokichi as the ultimate leader did. He could be the ultimate liar too. (fits even better in my opinion since the group he was leading didn't play a big role, they just included it for the plot which wasn't that good tbh)