DS3 has made me afraid of boss fights again
I played my first Dark Souls, DS1, back in December and loved everything about it. I moved onto DS2 in January and mostly enjoyed it, but my biggest (like many others) critique was the boss fights. Underwhelming, easy, poor design, etc. and I coasted through most of the boss fights on 1st or 2nd attempts. (Shoutout to Fume tho, he's a real one.)
However, DS3 has made me nervous again. I'm apprehensive on what's on the otherside of the fog gate. Abyss Watchers had one of the sickest cinematics to introduce them. I didn't want to get anywhere close to Pontiff. I laughed out loud smacking tree balls. Deacons of the Deep.... well, that one was ok.
I just beat Yhorm and genuinly don't know about any other boss in the game, besides the end boss. Very much enjoying the experience.