Genuine question, how are you supposed to keep a positive outlook after constant losses?

At what point should you start to let reality set in and realize this dating shit may just not be for you like it is for other people? How do you not feel like you’re deluding yourself by choosing to stay in a game that it seems like you’re destined to fail every time no matter what you do?

It’s like choosing to stay in a food court with $0 in your account while you’re watching everyone around you eat. This shit isn’t fun, it’s just a constant string of false hope. Wouldn’t even trip about straight up rejections, it’s the stringing along and false hope shit that makes this whole process depressing.

I genuinely don’t know how some people can take nothing but losses their whole lives and still maintain a sense of hope. I think the flame is dying out for me at this point in this bleak market.