Am I [F22] too independent?

I recently asked a friend for some honest constructive criticism because Ive always been told Im intimidating but I never knew what that meant before. I get told by people I just met or friends Ive known for a while that I am intimidating as a first impression. I'm not aggressive, I try my best to be polite and friendly and considerate of the people around me. Nor am I very vulgar or offensive at least as far as I know. When they broke it down to me they said it was my independence.

I haven't dated so far in college, I used to get lots of hook-ups last year and its sort of died off and I used to be content being single but now I'm sort of desiring something. I was told my independence is intimidating to potential matches and that I seem more mature than my peers and thats why I can't find anyone. I'm not sure what to do with this. Its flattering on one hand, but at the same time it feels sort of defeating. It feel likes everybody I like either doesn't see me that way or vice versa. I have high standards I guess, but not anything related to money or looks or career. I just feel sort of hopeless after being single for two years and people wanna screw me but not date me.