Can’t get over someone, not because I like them, but because I wanted them to like me
Is there anyone else out there who couldnt get over someone, not because you had feelings for them, but you just wanted them to have feelings for you?
The thing is, this has more to do with how we see ourselves. For me, when someone wanted me, I felt desirable and when someone wasnt interested in me, I would automatically think something was wrong with me.
But I have learned that relationships are about having a good fit and it doesn't have to do with your identity. If someone isn't interested in you, it doesn't mean you're unworthy or that there's something wrong with you. It just wasn't a good fit.
Shifting to this mindset has freed me of holding onto people from my past and blaming myself for why them not liking me.
It's about whether you or the other person is a good fit, not about how you are as a person.