Strange obsession that dates from high school
This is a long story.
When I was 15 year old, I met a girl at a house party. There was something about her that captivated me. To be honest she kinda reminds me of my mom when she was young. She felt so familiar and close to me. She also happened to go to the same school that my mom went. That day we danced and made out . After that I sent a friend request to her in facebook.
For several months I did not mensage her but I kept thinking about her a Lot. Finally I started to message her by facebook and we would start to text regularly but I had not the courage to ask her on a date. I paralized whenever I saw her in person, and I would not talk to her, yet we would message almost every day.
One day I heard that she was dating someone else. I felt so bad. So I wrote a letter declaring my love for her. I know it was extremely stupid but I was just a kid. When I saw her the next day (we crossed each other everyday when we went to school) I gave her the letter. She took it, did not say anything. That day I asked her if she read it and she said she did, and that she was too busy but she would go on a date with me eventually. But that day never came.
I would still text her from time to time but apparently she was not intereted. However one day her best friend approached me and told me that she felt like I had a chance and that we would make a great couple. As if that was not enough, her ex approached me and he gave me some advice on how to get her attention ( that was pretty strange). At this point I felt like everyone wanted me to date this girl, EXCEPT HERSELF...
Obviously I eventually gave up. I curently have a girlfriend, who is definitely prettier. But a few days I crossed her in the street after so many years and we made eye contact. I could not help but think why she doesnt want to date me. I am not unattractive at all. I feel like we could have been a great couple. I wish she had given me a chance and I still feel something for her. I know it sounds stupid but for some reason she has stuck in my mind for longer than anyone I have ever dated.
What do yo think? Why can't I let her go?