Still crushing on a girl I met last summmer

So I, am in high school, and last summer, I met a girl at at summer program, that I will name Mia. She and I got really close, and I fell, and I fell hard. I am like 99% sure she liked me back. just these little touches and looks and so on and so forth. The problem that is going on is that I STILL like her. I was talking about her to my friend the other day, and I realized, that I don't think I have lost any feelings. Soooooo..... I really need help. I need to get some type of closure on this.

Oh, and to add another layer to this, Mia lives 6 hour drive away.

Basically, I just don't know what to do with this, and how to deal with the fact that I still really like her. the is my plea to the Reddit gods to help me get through this crappy situation. I really need advice, and I really need to know what is the best course of action right now.