I'm freaking out - please help

So, this has never happened to me before, sorry if the post will be long or confusing, what I’m about to describe happened yesterday night and i’m still numb and confused and feel really stupid and I would appreciate your help.

I’ve (32F) been dating this guy (32M), yesterday was our 3rd date, I went over his house for some wine, we were talking for over an hour and felt that we really bonded, we had the same sense of humour, everything was going smoothly and I was so happy I was actually getting to know him as he seems super nice. On the first two dates nothing happened, he never made any move which I appreciated. 

So he starts kissing me and we start taking off our clothes, I’m left with my underwear and he makes a quick move and removes his sweatpants and underwear very fastly, and for some reason I said, oh you took them both off! 

There was no reason for him to suspect I didn’t like him or what he did, or that I wasn’t into that whatsoever. So he kinda starts laughing and and then proceeds to tell me I can’t do this now, you should get dressed. 

So we both get dressed and the rest of the night is super awkward, we did chat a bit more but with super long pauses in between everything, and everything was and felt weird. I tried to kiss him right after but he wasn’t into that, and at some point I said you know sometimes I’ve got no filter. And he said yes I got that. 

Is commenting on something your partner did in a very light hearted way considered rude or offensive during sex? I honestly feel like crap, because I liked him so much, but I’m also a bit awkward so yes maybe I talk more than I should have, but this has never been a problem before. 

I stayed roughly an hour after that, I asked for the time at some point and he said maybe we should do this another night, he did kiss me a couple of times before I left but it was a bit emotionless. I also told him once again, I don’t filter what I say sometimes, but I really like you so think it over, and he said okay, and I left.

I am so numb since yesterday, I’m afraid I fucked this up completely, I don’t know why it was so bad since we were both so into each other, and I don’t know if I should let him think about it or text him and actually apologise about saying something and coming off differently than I intended to. I’m so into this guy, i thought he was so into me, I never made any remarks before that or after for him to get the wrong idea. I even implied how hot he is a couple of times while we were laughing about people hitting on him very often. 

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated or any advice in general since I've been in a bad place for a while today and don't know what to do.