How to keep things exciting after a few months?

I [M32] have been dating this girl [F28] for almost four months. The connection started out as really intense and almost every date since then has felt really exciting, with great chemistry, great conversations and great physical intimacy.

Then last Friday we had a date that felt more routined, we had less to tell to each other, and we were less of a mystery to each other, which made things so exciting in the beginning. It wasn't a bad date, just maybe a little boring. I almost felt a bit of the attraction fading away – I think she felt the same, since she feels a bit more distant now when texting or talking. We're used to having really deep or intimate conversations, but at some point you inevitably run out of topics to discuss.

We both have busy lives and it's sometimes tricky to plan dates, although we manage to see each other about two times per week and text or call every day. We are also both the kind of person with a fair need to focus on ourselves and on our personal lives, which generally feels healthy because we both have other activities and other people (friends/family) that fulfill us.

I'm realising that now we're entering a more familiarised and routined stage of our connection, and I'm wondering how everyone else is dealing with that. My thoughts are:

  • Try to create a little bit of distance, leave more space. Maybe I initiate fewer conversations or avoid texts that don't really feel meaningful ("how was your day?"). And let the attraction come back naturally once we start missing each other more.
  • Or, ask for more closeness and intimacy, put a more active effort into planning more special dates, initiate more deeper conversations. So far our dates have mostly been going out for drinks/dinner, talking, having sex. That has always been fun, but at some point it feels like a bit of the same.
  • Or, it's too soon for a connection to fizzle out, and it just isn't meant to be in the long run?

To be clear, the planning and texting has come from both of us equally so far. I know it's not up to me alone to keep things interesting, but there's an insecure part of me that is afraid things will fizzle out if I don't act on it, and I don't want her to lose her attraction towards me.

TLDR: The honey moon phase is ending and I'm wondering how everyone else makes a transition into a relationship that is more integrated into daily life but still feels exciting.