Lara croft perk discussion

Since the only mechanical content we're getting from lara croft are her perks i wanted to discuss them a bit and see what people think could improve on them after trying out the PTB a bit.


  • This perk activates while you are healthy.This perk goes on cool-down for 40/35/30 seconds after performing a fast vault.
    • Your fast vaults are 20% faster.

I feel like they were afraid of making this perk "too busted" so they made it akin to lightfooted with a heavy cooldown and a punishing conditional. As it stands right now there's not a lot of situations or builds i would use this in, 20% faster is good but it's practically only at the start of the chase which i think misses the point of fast vaults. The idea would be perhaps to use it to do gens that are a bit unsafe so you make a window you wouldn't otherwise? But i would pick sprint burst over it since it's a lot more distance and works while injured.

I would simply change this one by removing the healthy conditional. Activating this 2 or 3 times in one chase doesn't sound that strong to me, and if it is the cooldown can be tweaked, but the conditional just makes it feel bad to use and the animation is cool and thematic to me to just make it a dead bottom tier perk.


  • After you unlock a chest and cleanse or bless a totem, this perk activates. Anytime you would scream, reveal the Killer's aura for 3/4/5 seconds instead.

Hardened actually works on the scream you get from being hit, which means any hit even endurance ones give you 5 seconds of aura read. It's a pretty neat perk, i like it and see it comboing with perks that make you scream like nic's, it should be worth noting too that it has built in telegraph as a killer can see you scream at the start of the match after hitting you for example, then you suddenly don't scream anymore so they can rule out calm spirit and always assume you get aura reads on hit. Which is a fun little interaction for killer.

The conditional being both a chest and a totem might be too cumbersome for the value i think, making the conditions a bit lighter would be cool but i think no change to live would be fine too. They could also delay the aura read to make it stronger and even combo with scene partner, but that might get a little too strong.


  • Each time you open or rummage through a chest, gain 1 token, up to 3/3/3.When you do a great skill check on a generator, consume all tokens. Then for each token consumed, reduce the maximum required generator progress by 2/3/4.

One of those save time from doing side objectives perk, the permanent gen progress is an effect that is hard to value because it can make all the difference in one match but nothing in the other. I can't comment too much on this one yet but it's an okay time saver for people that like running chest builds to not throw on the objective.

For changes it'd be hard to say since it'd be mostly number tweaks, but the token cap is kinda weird playing with it. I would make it four so you can do 2 chests and 2 rummages on said chests to tie it together nicely.