For those who've asked me about my survival playstyle
Apologies im advance for the text wall
So after posting a bunch of short clips I've had some people, mostly looking to get into survival or try something similar, asking me for survival tips, and/or my own methods/ playstyle.
Now, this might not be the absolute best clip I could ever get to illustrate the point, but one of the point, or tips I give based on how I play, is to be agressive and reactive, hitting back immediately and pushing forward into the enemies rather than the opposite
But it's important to point out that it's not just mindless running down mid. Early game you're probably done by doing so lol, but early game aside, even when you build is or has come together, you are not just running into everything wanting to be hit. You can try, you might be able to get away with it, but I would personally consider that as the general methodology. You're still gonna be playing most of the time with a degree of caution and if possible trying to go for the 60kill doors.
"Ok so you're telling me to be really agressive but also play carefully and not take damage?"
Yes. The aggression is mostly reactive. Due to Recovery and Necromancy. --IF-- something happens, and you get hit for a big chunk, or accidentally run into a lot of enemies and you know taking damage is inevitable, then you release the beast. Think of yourself as a random enemy suddenly getting aggro'd. Bcs again, once you got that recovery health, you wanna take back as much of it as fast as possible. And/or maybe even heal past your initial hp with Necromancy
And I think the clip is a decent example of what I mean. i was mostly chilling, taking 1 enemy at a time, I messed up and got it by the spin, and as soon as that happens I dash forwards and try to kill everything I see (sadly he dies to burn and wastes my time). If I happened to get hit again in that process, i just keep going, bcs my build allows and rewards that. If not, I go back to the usual less frantic pace and agression, as there isn't any need to go out of my way to take hits for the sake of it.
And don't sleep on Soldiers Resistance. That can give up to +40% hp. Meaning you can take bigger hits AND recover all or most of the health if you hit back fast. And then Necromancy heals %HP, that also scales with enemy health, so the more health you have, the more health you are gonna be recovering with Necromancy. And if you have means of dmg reduction, then the higher hp% becomes even more valuable
Alright I think that's all, I hope that is helpful for someone!
Stay safe out there and if haven't, maybe consider giving survival a try :)
No shield or parry tho, that's only the reward for completing the full training 🤣