is the disrespect worth it?
I got into dead sara in 2016 and was also a casual listener of Linkin Park. A thousand suns was my favorite album from them. Safe to say i was super stoked to see Emily becoming the lead singer of LP.
It's been about 7 months now, i really like the new album From Zero. Emptiness Machine, Casualty, Good things go and Overflow being my favorites.
I knew stepping into the shoe's a beloved figure like chester was never going to be an easy task but i never expected the absolute vitriol and vile hatred to be directed towards emily.
Looking back at a lot of LP's stuff from the past made me realize they've always had a section of the "fan"base that has always been super toxic. hating them for everything they've made post meteora. Even on their youtube page, there's comments around previous releases with these same "fans" shitting on them.
Nothing more evident than the last album with chester, One more light. Calling him and the rest of the band sellouts, washed up and other garbage. Chester by all accounts always came across as a kind, sensitive individual who had fought a lot of demons his whole life. This kind of toxic stuff really got to him and he even lashed out and slipknot's corey taylor had to intervene. Here are the articles:,
One would think that after losing him in such a tragic way these people will learn a bit of kindness but no. To this day, they hound her at every post, spewing the same crap over and over again.
The band linkin park itself has been banished from the mainstream on social media. Mention emily or LP at any neutral page and the sewers open up. here's an ex:,
recently on women's day celebration a post was made about celebrating female lead vocalists in rock, the comment section was toxic towards emily, asking them to take her down from the list.
Lp's own numbers are dropping on platforms because of all the hate. They peaked at 60 millions monthly listeners on spotify after heavy is the crown was released, now have dropped to 46 millions listeners, a 14 million drop in about 6 months.
Honestly, as happy as i feel for her, i also wonder is the hate really worth it. I guess it boils down to, is it better to be hated and famous or be loved and not famous?
I know this may come across as a rant to some, but it's just the feeling it get when i see the blind hate towards her. Also, dead sara being on hiatus doesn't help.