When L picked Light to succeed him, did he predict how that would help near?

L always knew that Light was Kira. I think that much is clear. Even in his biggest moments of doubt (after Light lost his memory), in the back of his mind he still suspected that this was somehow part of a plan that Light concocted. However he also understood that given the current situation, there was no way he could prove it. He understood there were rules and terms (the death note) unbeknownst to him that made it impossible. That fact becomes apparent in the episodes before his death, where he virtually admits to Light that he knows he’s lost. He knows about the death note at this point, but it’s too late.

I’m currently rewatching the anime for the first time in a few years. I’m on episode 20, the task force is pursuing yotsuba, and L just asked Light to succeed him if he were to ever die. Light calls him out that he still thinks he’s kira and that this is all part of an elaborate plan. L outright says yes. However I think it goes deeper than that. My theory is that L did this intentionally with the knowledge that if he did end up dying, it would most likely be by light’s hand. He still believes light could be kira, and Light is the only one who has the knowledge that he is L. If there is a situation where he’s killed by kira, he can be certain it IS Light. But, there is one important factor that the task force isn’t aware of.

This is where Near fits in. L knows that in the event of his death, all of his work would go to his academy (idk what it’s called). Whoever TRULY succeeds him, that being Near, would have a much better chance catching Light if he were still an active member of the task force. By insuring Light would assume the role of L, he sets up Near to do the true work in secret, while Light would have no knowledge of Near’s existence. This gives Near a HUGE advantage.

I believe this was definitely a calculated decision by L. It’s another reason why he was so focused on getting concrete evidence while going after yotsuba. I think he knew he was probably screwed. That Light was playing him hard. And of course he knew he needed real information about how the killings were happening, but also that it would help immensely to whoever took over afterwards. So yeah idk if this conversation has already been had or people have already thought of this, but I’m just rewatching and it was a cool new thing I picked up. It’s obvious that L’s brain is constantly calculating different situations so there’s a plethora of reasons for his actions, but this one for sure makes sense to me.