I tried to platinum the ps3 version and failed :(

I finished demon souls remake and got the platinum for it some time ago but one day i remembered that i had the og demon souls on my old ps3 and decided to try to get the platinum for it too (worst mistake of my life)

Im traumatized, i never saw such a cruel platinum before and i did a lot of long, boring platinums but this game was on another level, the amount of grinding and planning to get the most optimized run possible made me go mental, since the servers are dead, i had to do everything alone, slowly draining my mental health in a Platinum that just did not want to end.

i gave up, i not gonna do another ng+ just to farm the pure darkmoon stone thing again, its evil, why its not garantee or given by finishing a quest or something, why its only adquired by RNG and on a finite amount?

Its one of the last things i need to do besides the Moonlight stones, i gave up on the end and im not feeling bad about it, i dont want to hate this game anymore, this Platinum made me hate every aspect of this game, i lost all my respect i had for this because of this terrible slog of a trophy list

I know its not all the developers fault, only the guy that had the trophy list ideas but man, i dont want to see this game or the remake anytime soon, let it rest and maybe i will replay it someday, i just dont want to force myself

I already have the platinum for the remake, it probably counts, its the same game after all and almost all their other soulslikes trophy lists complete, this one is just omg

Im just sad that i could not finish it, i liked the game :(