Denver Birthday Trip

Hello Denver friends!

I'm going to be coming to the Denver area for a Birthday adventure! I'm originally from Pueblo, but have not lived in CO since 30+ years ago. I'm presently a PNW resident. I will be in during Mother's Day weekend.

My friend & I both have birthdays in May. We're going to have a little bit of an itinerary and I know we are doing Red Rocks, Meow Wolf, Garden of the Gods. She has never been.

I have a list of restaurants we've sorted out via this fabulous area of reddit & some sleuthing.

Here's what I'm seeking some information:

Are these still great places to go, and if not - where would you suggest? (I have a list of 45 places FWIW on our google maps):

Is La Loma

Is Corrine

Alma Fonda Fina

Any word on Alteno when it opens? Do you have any place that you'd go for a real special occasion?

Since coffee matters to me:

What are your best coffee places?

I was looking at handcraft espresso & little owl tremont

If you really wanted to show someone from out of town a real Denver gem where would you take them?

I know the argument of who has the best tacos is subjective and no shortage of amazing Mexican food. Know that I will be seeking green chili for my bday wishes.

Thanks Denver friends! If you ever need any Seattleish suggestions i'd be happy to trade!