Super DPS, not Total Super Damage is better for ranking supers. With numbers.

Youtube Version of this information:

Spreadsheet with even more numbers:


With Act 2 of Heresy we got a cool artifact perk, Limit Break, that boosts super damage by 30% when you have a matching element buff or are at critical health. Llama, a great youtuber, did some damage testing. Some community members took these numbers and came to misguided conclusions because of a lack of context around Total Super Damage.

Total super damage is good but the time it takes to do matters. How many boss encounters have you done that have zero time limit? Very, very few. It’s really just campaign bosses and not even all of those. All dungeons and raids have timed dps phases. Most are 15-50s long. And Length of damage phase matters. If a damage phase is 10s but the super lasts 15s you cannot get that total damage.

One last thing: DPS does not matter much for GMs. Boss damage windows in GMs are infinite. Don't worry about this there.

So what is the solution? Damage Per Second or DPS.

Calculating DPS

How do you calculate super DPS correctly?

  • Find the total damage of the super. 
  • Find the time that the super keeps you from shooting enemies. 
    • This can be the animation of an instant super. 
    • It can be the full duration of a roaming super. 
    • What is important is how long it prevents you from doing other damage.
    • The duration of the super effect (like Vortex Nova Bomb or Silence and Squall) only matters if the super is shorter than the dps phase. You don’t use those durations for DPS.
  • Example 1: 
    • Super deals 600,000 damage. 
    • Super is an instant super that takes 2s to cast. 
    • Super DPS is 300,000 damage/second
  • Example 2:
    • Super deals 2,000,000 damage.
    • Super takes 10s to fully use. 
    • Super DPS is 200,000 damage/second

With the help of community members, Aegis and SpiderReviver, I have calculated all the Super DPS using most effective strategies for supers. Current Artifact perks are not included. Limit Break does add a flat 30% BUT the buff only lasts for 7-9s; roaming supers would get relatively worse. The rankings might surprise you!

The Good Information

The spreadsheet linked at the top is going to be updated as time goes on so use that primarily. Regardless, here's a snapshot:

Super Total Damage DPS
Pre-popped GG Nighthawk 635,213 552,359
Prismatic Nova Bomb (SE) 715,113 470,469
Blade Barrage (SES) 753,129 396,384
Thundercrash (Cuirass) 822,744 371,157
Gathering Storm (SES) 646,254 369,288
Needlestorm (SE) 645,954 362,896
Nova Bomb: Cataclysm (no exotic) 476,742 313,646
Golden Gun (Nighthawk) 635,213 312,913
Nova Bomb: Vortex (no exotic) 474,614 312,246
Needlestorm (Swarmers) 529,254 297,334
Silence and Squall (SE or SES) 554,215 235,836
Twilight Arsenal (Synthos) 748,524 201,395
Glacial Quake (SE) 2,972,903 201,321
Moebius Quiver (SES) 523,075 201,183
Glacial Quake (Synthos) 2,842,360 192,481
Golden Gun (SES) 600,560 185,932
Twilight Arsenal (SE) 687,302 184,923
Pyrogale Gauntlets 618,582 162,785
Chaos Reach (Geomags) 918,434 105,932

See the spreadsheet for more supers and data. Some notes:

  • You can pre-cast Golden Gun and cut the cast time down and push it's dps up. You can also technically do this for Pyrogale and Cataclysm Nova Bomb.
  • Thundercrash does put you on the boss so you might lose more optimum dps time repositioning unless you save for the very end of damage.
  • SES = Star Eater Scales. SE = Spirit of Star Eater
  • Spirit of Star Eater does 70% boosted super damage normally. But only does 50% for Nova Bomb and Thundercrash. Only does 25% for Twilight Arsenal which is awful. Needlestorm doesn't get full benefit of Star Eater
  • Pyrogale numbers include Roaring Flames x3.
  • Needlestorm (Swarmers) includes Thread of Evolution
  • Blade Barrage is ideal numbers but the tracking can be inconsistent.


  • Generally all classes are doing decent. No one is "dumpstered".
  • Titans still do not have enough one-off supers.
  • Pyrogales are way too weak for super damage for how much set up it requires.
  • Twilight Arsenal should not have such a huge Spirit of Star Eater nerf, imo. It does have good total damage but you can hit a 50% buff already with Synthoceps.
  • Warlocks have such little exotic support for damage supers. All their super damage exotics are for roaming supers. This is good in some ways as they don't need exotics for damage but also it makes it harder for them to focus on damage.
  • Geomags sit low in this ranking but the uptime is insane and that does matter for a lot of content.
  • Hunters generally have to do the most work across all classes to get their super damage up. Golden Gun has to get Radiant and step out of a well to meet normal damage. And on every other super they need Star Eater Scales which requires collecting 6 orbs post super charge.
  • Celestial Nighthawk also has the biggest risk of a super since you have to land a crit or lose a lot of damage. And you can miss the whole shot.
  • Golden Gun supers should at least get a small buff to compensate for the Radiant nerf.
  • Roaming supers lack in DPS but did get a big boost in uptime. That helps especially on ammo starved fights or very long damage phases or things like GMs

That's all. Hope that helps. Keep it civil in the comments.