I miss my old voice

I just detransitioned a few weeks ago and everything has been a bit difficult recently but overall I feel more confident and at peace with myself. There’s just one thing that makes me extremely insecure and that’s my voice. I sound like a man. I watch videos of my old voice and want to cry because it was so pretty and I can never get that back. I hate that I did this to myself. I just wish I would have thought more about this. I wish that when I went into my HRT appointment I would have listened to myself when I thought “I don’t know if I want to do this”. I wish I would have at least figured this out sooner. Then maybe it wouldn’t have gone this far. I feel so hopeless about my voice. I want my old voice back. I hate my voice. I hate that I get called “sir” in public despite me wearing a bra, having long hair, wearing makeup, and overall looking like a women, just because of my deep voice. I’m trying to accept it but it’s so hard.