How do you handle support and communication with your developers?

We're a small shop, ~30 developers and 4 people for DevOps/IT.

In most cases, our devs don't know when and who to ask if there are small problems or questions because everyone in our 'team' has different specializations and responsibilities.

If god wills it, they write one of us on teams or create a Jira task with more often than not unhelpful info.

Now, because it's standard everywhere, I proposed creating a support channel in Teams.
This might help us keep track of the faster-to-solve questions and what the general problems of our devs are. I believe they need a platform where our team actually takes a look at and gives fast feedback.

Is that a good idea? How is support structured at your workplace?
How do you personally handle it?
And is one channel enough or should multiple be created for different areas?
What support channels do you have?

What other ideas would you have to streamline communication between devs and everyone else that has to work with them?