Please knock some sense into me…

I’m 23 years old, have been diagnosed with T1 5 years ago. I’ve been depressed for 4 of those years. I hate myself I hate my body for having it. And to be honest I have been ignoring diabetes trying to live “a normal life” even though I know I can’t do that anymore. And my doctors/family/friends (everyone that DOES NOT have T1D) keep telling me about what is going to happen to me if I don’t get it under control. And that makes me angry and I want to scream “SHUT THE F**K UP! If it’s so easy for you to tell me what to do, then do it yourself”

I know the first thing is to accept the situation I’m in, and I am trying that. It’s just that my brain does not accept the fact that I can’t keep doing what I’ve been doing for the past 5 years. And it’s because I haven’t had any serious complications. My eye scans came back good, no liver damage, and I feel great.

What I’m asking is maybe fellow people with T1D can just tell me or share with me something that has happened and something they wish they did.

I’m still fairly young, I know I can fix it but I just need a reality check, from people that have went through that, that understand.

Thank you.