Finally did pit 150! (and got no one to share)
Tried to push during the last 2 days as my gear won't get much better. Kinda happy and no one of my friends even plays this game, so had to share here. Some notes and a little bit of a rant:
- Playing without blood mist is total cancer
- Damage Resistance mobs are the worst thing that has ever been done in any game ever (fcking hateeeeeeeeee em)
- Every decent run you get, you get one of the worst bosses possible. That's the rule! (got chief marauder which spawns no adds at all, and killed him in like 8 minutes with 2 seconds left)
- My boss dps was absolute ass somehow, no idea why.
- Tried to reroll my gear for triple GA, got like the same third (bad) roll 5 times in a row on my ring. Which is like a 1 in 1000 chance or so? Cool.
- Duping and RMT is out of control, trying to upgrade gear is literally impossible as it costs several trillions (yes, not billions, trillions). This has to be adressed. There might be some people who play trading sim and get this amount of money somehow, but there are way too many people. Everyone who thinks this is legit is delulu in my opinion.
- Enjoyed the season, was fun!
EDIT: Just realized I had one wrong legendary gem equipped the whole time :D I'm so dumb haha
EDIT2: Stats with correct gems while in the pit, for those who are interested