Killing bosses solo seems finally fixed now.
Thank you for that.
Being obligated to kill bosses in a party with random people was terrible, from scammers to people being extremely slow in the city or summoning like The Flash and leaving people other behind, there were just too many problems to deal with in every session if you didn’t have friends that play together all the time, but we were somewhat forced to do so because the benefits in a party vs solo were just too much (4 bosses for the cost of 1).
Now there’s a bonus for people that like to play in groups and it’s finally okay killing them solo in a way that you don’t feel penalized by doing so.
Can we solo the Dark Citadel next? I’d like to farm the cosmetics there without relying on people that refuse to learn a single mechanic…
Please stop enforcing group play, make it optional with a bonus: like you just did with bosses, this is the way.