I made another Digimon oc

Hello everyone , I made another Digimon oc this time a bit more free with the evolutions so that they can stand on their own.

Puchipeppermon -> Teastirmon -> Panfrymon -> Blitzblendmon -> Punchwavemon -> Hibachikimeramon

Puchipeppermon (Baby) This digimon contains the data of food reviewers that express their opinions about food that was too salty

Teastirmon (in training) This digimon was born from the online forums and discussions about tea

Panfrymon (rookie) This mischievous digimon was born from the countless tutorials online on "how to cook an egg"

Blitzblendmon (champion) Data from multiple different types of digital fruits have given birth to this erratic digimon

Punchwavemon (ultimate) Punchwavemon punches to the rhythm of a microwave field to give its attacks a devastating unpredictable flare

Hibachikimeramon (mega) An amalgamation of digimon caused by the corrupted data of buffets contorting digital Data into a fierce fighting machine