What's going to happen to disabled people? Have they admitted or announced anything yet?

Posted this in the project 2025 subreddit but they're seriously censoring stuff now....

What's going to happen to disabled people? Have they admitted or announced anything yet? I've been checking other subreddits the past couple days and I noticed surprisingly little (more like nothing) has been posted detailing how this election choice will impact disabled people. It also appears that the project2025 suppression brigade is still out in force, down votng and brigading other posts where other disabled are expressing their fears, claiming it's "liberal fearmongering," despite the words coming from the actual Mandate for Leadership Document and prominent republicans own rhetoric. Remember how this summer, once Project 2025 went viral, all of a sudden we had an influx of what seemed to be bots that were calling us liars and claiming the quotes from the actual document weren't real?

On the veterans sub, there was a project 2024 megathread that got mass reported at 2 am EST. A mod said it they received thousands of reports for that thread alone, at the same time, in the middle of the night. So they decided to take it down. They also hinted that they were threatened with legal action but did not elaborate. Sounds like inauthentic activity doesn't it? Why 2am in the morning? Sounds very much like it could have been the ruzzians helping trump, which we have been warned about all year.

I am noticing the same thing happening now. There have been multiple posts on the veterans subs where guys are asking "what's going to happen to me now?" and "how is project 2025 going to effect my benefits?" All of these threads are being downvoted into oblivion, and all the comments responses are reminiscent of those I saw in 2016 and seem inauthentic, bullsh*t comments such as "nothing," "nothing will happen, that's just liberal fearmongering," "trump will increase benefits," "but Biden tried to take it away," and the downright mean like "you're being hysterical" without elaborating why we shouldn't be, considering what their documented plan actually says and the purges and cuts they tried to implement during trump's first term.

We really need some people to be proactive on this and combating the right's coordinated disinformation campaign.

We have a massive humanitarian disaster in the making come January.

Is there anyone or any organizations fighting for us or planning on protecting us this time? Because trump's purge barely made the news his previous term.

What is likely to happen? And how do we stop it? How do we protect and advocate for ourselves? Especially in the face of all this gaslighting.

I know people are looking forward to leopards eating faces but keep in mind that most of us knew this was coming and didn't vote for this....and that's another thing.

Will liberals' benefits be targeted specifically? Anyone can look up and see i donated to democrats. What if we also face "retribution" and the benefits systems are politicized? Where only the "right" people get benefits?