Does voc rehab demand that you receive treatment from a particular provider?
I have aspergers syndrome. I have thought about voc rehab but I am worried that I will be forced to see a particular provider who will change my medication. I am on klonopin, which is controlled. It works for me. When I last changed doctors, few wanted to help me because they were unwilling to prescribe a controlled substance. I have a good relationship with my current provider and would not want to see some state sponsored person instead.
My issue is not finding the proper medication, it is being able to pass an interview. Medication does not help with that. I am not even on medication for Asperger's, but for anxiety. I worry they will try to put me on antipsychotics just because they are the only fda approved drug for anything autism related, but only for one specific symptom that I dont have (meltdowns). I want a job, but don't want to take a lot of psychotropics. Have an ex girlfriend who went down that route and it made her gain insane amounts of weight and reduced her personality. No way! Im actually in the process of tapering the klonopin and just want to be done with meds after that. I'd maybe consider if they agreed to no meds. Id get off the klonopin and stop taking any medication. I refuse to take a zombifying drug that blocks dopamine. Even if I bought it from the pharmacy, there is zero chance I would actually take it. I am not mentally ill, my brain just works differently. There arent meds for that, but from what I have heard, lots of doctors try to push meds for no reason, but not the controlled ones-only the dysphoric lobotomizing ones. I am completely stable when unmedicated and just got on the klonopin to help deal with some major stressors.
The last time I was unemployed was in 2015. I tried voc rehab but because I indicated some problematic drinking, they demanded that I attend specifically AA. I had managed my drinking through other methods and so refused. I will never do AA. Found a job by going to graduate school instead. I'll do therapy, but no meds and no AA. AA is more than just not drinking, you have to actually believe in their made up religion ,pseudoscientific ideas , and lame catch phrases. I would just be pretending and wasting some sponsor's time.