Wade's Minneapolis Adventure
The story that wade told about getting cupcakes. I think would make for an interesting short adventure film. Switch some things around where two toes johnny is leading the mafia, the red prius is an epic car chase later to be revealed that its a ghost prius, etc.
Narration voice for the trailer: "In a world, where the cousin in law hates him" (cuts to a screen where cousin in law meets two toes Johnny to make a deal) "In a city, where the streets are haunted by cars that long since passed" (cuts to a screen where him and his friends are in the car chase screeming) "one man and his friends are brave enough to get and deliver the wedding cake and cupcakes" (cuts to Wade just standing there and eventually says an awkward HI and waves) "this summer, join Wade and his friends for an adventure that they will never forget"
Idk, this was like my first thought on it when I heard the story.