Mo Salah MRCP Part 2 Written Deck


This is the Mo Salah MRCP Part 2 written anki deck


Download link:

If you do not know what anki is and why you should use it, I suggest searching ANKI on youtube for tons of introduction video. Many students and learners, including me, consider it the most effective learning tool.

If you are new to Anki, then head to for some amazing tutorials to learn how to use Anki decks.

Download latest version of anki here:

This is a good introduction to anki:
This tutorial is really important to set up your deck settings:
How to use premade decks:


Deck structure:

This deck has approximately 5,500 cards covering the most important topics that are frequently tested in MRCP part 2 exam.

Cards are divided into decks, one for each subject chapter.

In addition, some of the notes I took from passmedicine questions I managed to categorize under their proper chapters, and some were put under a subdeck called PassMedicineNotes.

 When you first download and import the deck, all cards will be suspended. You can use the browser (shortcut B) to start unsuspending cards.


In short, steps to use the deck:

Download Anki and install it on your PC

Download the deck

Open Anki and wait for it to load. Then double click on the deck and wait for it to be imported to anki.

The deck will be imported. Now you can click Browse on top to view the cards.

From the browser, you can choose the chapter you want on the bar on the left side, highlight the cards you want to study for the day, right click, click unsuspend.

Now these cards are unsuspended and ready for you to study.


How did I make the cards?

I used passmedicine for my preparation of the exam.

Passmedicine is great because they have their textbook section where you can view all the topics and review them before solving the questions.

What’s really great is that they show you how important each topic is if you sort the topics by the frequency they get tested, which is indicated by the symbol +

So, for example if you open the cardiology chapter, you’ll find topics with eight of these ++++++++ then topics with 7 then 6 then 5…etc. up until topics with only one + which are the least important and have the lowest yield for the exam.


What I did is that I converted the information in each topic in each chapter to anki flash cards. I started from the most important ones with lots of ++++++++ till the ones with three +++ and then I stopped.
The ones with two ++ and one + I did not include most of them. This is to make the deck as efficient as possible. This is a big difference from the part 1 deck which I tried to make as inclusive I possible. As a result, this deck has only 5.5k cards compared to the 14k cards in the part 1 deck.

I think being efficient and focusing on the high yield topics is a much better strategy for the exam. Firstly, because you want to pass and not to ace the exam. And secondly because we’re all too busy and it’s better to use your time as efficiently as possible.

 In addition to all of that, what’s really good about this deck is that I answered 90% of the questions on passmedicine and I made cards to cover all the extra information/tips in the questions that were not mentioned in the textbook section. This will really help you because I know how annoying it is to study the textbook and then start solving the questions, only to find information tested that was not included in the textbook.


How would I recommend using this deck?

The number of cards you should do every day depends on your circumstances and how many hours you can dedicate to Anki every day. I would recommend 50 to 100 new cards per day. But remember, this is not a race. Go at a slower pace if you feel you’re not understanding concepts really well.

 Finish the cards in each subject tag and then head to Passmedicine website and start answering questions on that same subject. I would 100% recommend subscribing to Passmedicine. It may be smart to wait for a week or two after finishing the cards in a tag before answering the questions on the website, so that most of the cards would be matured and you can remember the information while answering.

 Don’t do all of the questions in each subject after you finish the cards. Leave 25% or so till the end so that you have a good number of questions to do randomly combined to mimic the real exam.

 Since the questions are always updating, add cards of your own and take your own notes.


My own experience with the exam:

I did the cards for each chapter, made sure the cards are mature, then answered the passmedicine questions. I did about 90% of the passmedicine cards. I did not have time to do the last 10%/

My total correct % on passmedicine was 68-70%. I 100% recommend subscribing to passmedicine.

 Afterwards I did 5-6 pastpapers on the pastest website, I also did the mock exam on the official website. My average for these were also 68-72%.

 In the real exam I scored 540. The passing score was 450.



1.      I am not an expert so medical and scientific inaccuracies may be present in some of the cards. If a card doesn't make sense to you, you can just suspend/delete it.

2.      Treatment and investigations guidelines are always updating. So, if you’re using this deck a long time after its release, beware of guideline changes.

mod approved