Severe infection or IBC?
Hi there, my mother was hospitalized a few weeks ago for swollen, red, painful left breast. She had fever and body aches and would sleep for 14-15 hours. She looked really ill. She’s 56yo and not breastfeeding.
We took her to the ER and the docs had her on IV meds for a few days before realizing she wasn’t responding and then did another culture test and she was positive for MRSA bacteria. Her ultrasound showed lots of inflammation at the time. They added a new antibiotic that fights the MrSA bacteria, which started helping her. So they discharged her with antibiotics for 4 more days. It’s been 10 days since she finished her dose and although almost all symptoms have improved, her breast remains purple and there’s a wedge like lump at the underside of her breast.
She had a follow up appointment today and the infectious disease specialist has ordered another ultrasound.
Initially they said it was a severe case of mastitis and cellulitis. But today she said she needed to order another ultrasound to rule out any underlying issues or pus that may need to be drained.
I’m starting to panick that my mom’s got Inflammatory breast cancer and she’s being given the run around.
Has anyone experienced something similar?