How do you deal with frog rains?


I’m still learning DST and I’m doing a solo run as Woodie (well, a series of solo runs because I’ve died a few times). I got to Spring for the first time and fought off the Goosemoose, which felt like a pretty good milestone. However, soon after, a frog rain happened right in my camp. I feel like I was pretty lucky to be playing Woodie because the Weremoose form was great at handling the frog horde, but even then, I ended up dying to cold and insanity while fighting. I had a touch stone left to use, so I made it back and picked up 80-something frog legs from the carnage.

I thought this would be a rare occurrence, but apparently it happens multiple times in spring. I survived the second one by running around with a walking cane until the frogs entered an all-out war with a bunch of tier 3 spider nests, but I don’t know if that will always be possible.

Is there some trick to make frog rains more manageable?