[DAV ALL SPOILERS] The way Southern Thedas feels very spiteful on behalf of the writers
**Yet I fear that even Skyhold won't be sufficient. Already the darkspawn have claimed Redcliffe, and the shores of Lake Calenhad writhe with the blight's corruption. Our land sickens and dies, and I fear that whoever among Ferelden's people live through this relentless assault will starve to death instead.**
This takes place after the Inquisitor's now infamous confirmation that Southern Thedas in in dire straits.
Redcliffe is gone, southern thedas is screwed, even if the survivors somehow push back the venatori/antaam/darkspawn, the Inquisitor expects starvation will claim many of them. The Free Marches are no longer a collection of free city states each with their own culture and history but rather one big homogenous blob, and everything seems on fire.